The Bengali woman emulates the Durga, and therefore her love for the red. The colour of love, passion, fire and grit. She is stubborn, vivacious, sultry, strong, and yet tender and loving. The vermillion combines the Durga and the homemaker in a symbiosis that is as strange as it is incredible. Anoint in the red of love, of passion, of playfulness, and of devotion. With religious overtones, vermilion is as much a sign of sterling individuality as it is of unrelenting devotion. The symbolism of Durga that emanates also ferocity and rebellion gathered heightened popularity in India’s freedom struggle from the British. Where on one hand Kokata is a colonial relic, on the other it continually acquires space for its religious sacrileges. The Durga Puja, a 10 day festival is yearlong industry in making of the idols that clay together the dominant and the marginal to create an ideological whole. What more then could come to signify the spirit of this multicultural city. This characteristic room is for those who are traditional at heart and vagrants in spirit.